Signature Chapters
Easy-read chapters approx 3000 words
The Knight Stories |
Dragon Hunt |
Bumblefest |
The Battle of Burpington |
Small Town Stories |
Going for Gold |
Drum |
Blackberry Patch |
Madam Spry Stories |
Madam Spry and the Blue Diamond |
Madam Spry and the Secret Plans |
Madam Spry and Mr Mustard |
The Gribbles Stories |
The Amazing Gribbles |
The Brilliant Gribbles |
The Clever Gribbles |
The Big Hairy Author Stories |
Fairy Tale |
Scary Story |
Messy Adventure |
Joy Signature Chapters are published in 2007 by Mimosa/McGraw-Hill,
8 Yarra St, Hawthorn, Vic 3122, Australia
Click here for more Joy Signature Books published by Clean Slate Press